Well it's November now, and
Moustaches will soon be sprouting up on the lips of people all over the place! November also means that the Halloween season is done for another year.
For me, Halloween is fantastic - An excuse to dress like a crazy person, and lots of horror to be seen. It also means lots of events.
Here in The Pas this year, we managed to organize the 1st Annual Zombie walk in support of The Pas' Homeless Shelter. I'm going to brag a little - I brought this idea to the table and really worked to team up with people who could help make it happen.
Let's just say, it happened...
it IS 2012.... |
Over 400 people showed up with donations of non perishable food items for the shelter! This was incredibly overwhelming. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that many people showing up for one fundraiser. The community really came together to show their support and dress gruesome! The local hockey team (The OCN Blizzard) even showed up to do the walk! I've said it over and over, but I really want to thank EVERYONE who showed up and was a part of it. There was a lot of work that went in to it. Myself and the CJ1240 staff are glad to have teamed up with the Opasquia Times and The Pas Community Renewal Corporation to make it happen with help from a number of sponsors around town.
In word, it was Amazing.
And just costume/outfit 1 of a busy Halloween season!
Brains? |
So Friday is the Zombie Walk, what do we do Saturday? Judge a pumpkin carving contest (in normal people clothes and a Wayne's world hat)...
...And go to a rockin' social at the MMF Hall as Micheal Angelo with my other Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of course (Costume 2):
And to end off the pre-Halloween weekend - Sunday is a day of sleeping in, catching up on TV shows from the week, running in the snow (I didn't even fall!) and attending a 5 year old's birthday party (those kids had sweet halloween costumes). Happy Birthday Jade!
Then came Halloween - on a Wednesday. This week I've been filling in on the Morning show, weirdly, it was easier to get dressed like this at 4am, than it was to put on normal clothes (mostly because I had set it out the night before and didn't have to worry about things matching)...
This is the one I blogged about putting together from pieces online
I wore that outfit all day at work then napped (I took the ears off for that), fixed my nose makeup - reattached my ears and wore it all night to host a Halloween Party at the Wescana. It was a blast, we have away $1000 for the best costume of the night to this guy:
It was movie quality (and Ted's actually a girl!) - The crowd loved it!
I lost some sleep, but had a blast this Halloween. It was another year of success with 3 sweet costumes!
Happy Halloween y'all! Can't wait for 2013!