You can listen along right now at - but only until the album is released Tuesday (Dec 11th).
Track by Track, here's "Unorthodox Jukebox"
Track #1: Young Girls
The First time I heard this song was Bruno Mars' SNL Performance a few weeks back. I was almost in tears the first time I saw it. There is no doubt that Mars is a soulful singer with real emotional punch. He himself was almost crying while belting it out in New York and it made me instantly fall in love with the track. The chorus really hits you with a wavering sadness that is unmistakable in his voice.
All you young wild girls
You make a mess of me
All you young wild girls
You'll be the death of me
The Death of Me
All you young wild girls
No matter what you do
Yeah you young wild girls
I'll always come back to you
Come back to you
Note to self: you're young, be more wild, and find Bruno Mars to serenade you.
Track #2: Locked Out of Heaven
I feel like you've probably heard this one.... at least if you've been on the internet or heard any top 40 radio since October. The internet is all up in arms because it sounds like The Police, but Bruno Mars himself said "Hell Yeah! You try to write a Police song". His honesty is refreshing and his attitude is admirable. The song itself has 80s-inspired mega-hit written all over it. It's fun, it's soulful, and it's got great lyrics. Here's the video:
Track #3: Gorilla
"Umm... what?"
That was my first reaction to this song. It's not a bad song, I may have been thrown by the falsetto "oohs" and the fact that most of the song is You and me baby makin' love like gorillas". Based on the track's first line, he may have been coked up while writing it, but that just shows he really is like artists from the 70s and 80s, right? Because of this revelation, I imagined Bruno Mars all crazy eyed singing this while doing some really manic dance moves before playing the piano breakdown with a little too much intensity. It made it super entertaining in my head. This is definitely more of a rock sounding song, and sadly, I think Nickelback could cover it. Not a high point in the album.
Track #4: Treasure
Funk? Check. Soul? Check. Extremely cheesy 70s smile? I guarantee it was pasted on his face during recording. This is a super fun track that I could see being a big summer hit. It sounds like sunshine. The song is about a girl, she's his treasure, his golden star, she's fine so fine. A few listens and you'll be toe tapping, head bobbing and singing the chorus. It's got that throwback sound. Start adding volume to your hair now, what's old is new again.
Track #5: Moonshine
I was waiting for this one. The track where you can hear a little growl in Bruno Mars pristine voice. It pops up in a few small moments in Moonshine and it really adds a perfect amount of grit to the 80s-sounding intensity of the track. I also really enjoyed the phrasing in this song. The way the words are pronounced and the slight changes in pacing and inflection make it different than your standard pop song. Different as in better, and I love pop music.
Track #6: When I Was Your Man
Is that a piano or a teardrop machine? Seriously... The longing you hear in his voice in the first few moments of the song sets up this heart-wrenching ballad that will make you want to give Bruno Mars a hug while your eyeholes fill with salt water. It's Adele calibre breakup tuneage. It's haunting and I can't get enough of it.
To the girl this was written for: He was wrong, he's sorry, take him back you evil beotch, he's pouring his heart out AND wishing you the best! What more could you want? Better yet don't, I'll take him, he's sweet and I like flowers and parties.
Track #7: Natalie
Holy rhythm and anger Batman! Then again I'd be angry too if some broad took all my money (not that I have any to steal at this point). Little miss snake eyes better watch her back indeed. This is the next generation's "Gold Digger" without the douchebaggery of Kanye attached. Well written, well executed, and it's wicked fun to yell sing the name "Natalie". There's so many ways to phrase her name before telling her she better run. #ThingsILearnedFromBrunoMars?
Track #8: Show Me
Steel drums and the promise of an oasis underscore this reggae "love" (read: unh unh unh) song. Show Me is lighthearted, fun, and may make you want to drive to the nearest airport to find a hot destination where you can use this song as a macking device. Hawaiian shirts await! For the record, between this and his Liquor Store Blues from Doo Wops and Hooligans, he could pull a lot of fans from the reggae crowd.
Track #9: Money Make Her Smile
Is "her" one of those Young Wild Girls or related to Natalie perhaps? In describing a good chunk of the female population Bruno Mars points out "It's not complicated, so it won't take a while, Music make her dance, money make her smile". This song may also be about strippers, but regardless, I'll still cruise to it. Another intense rocker.
Track #10: If I Knew
Ahh, regret in the face of true love. Many a man and woman have felt it, and Bruno Mars once again personifies heartbreak. The sweet guitar in this short track set up a perfect backdrop for him to croon out his feelings, and it's perfectly crafted.
This album makes me laugh, cry, dance and rock out. I'd say that's a win. The way that it mixes different moods and genres really makes the album title perfect as can be. Unorthodox Jukebox will definitely be put in to rotation with my cruisin' CDs in the car right next to Doo Wops and Hooligans. I also may be head over heels in love with Bruno Mars (as much as you can be in love with someone you've only seen from afar... now I sound creepy...)
If you've read through this and haven't listened to it yet, I commend you, now listen to it!! Here's the streaming link again:
You can also pre-order the album and download the already released tracks while you listen.
Unorthodox Jukebox will be available online and in stores December 11th!
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History may just repeat itself. |
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