Tuesday 15 January 2013

New Year, New Me?

It's been almost 6 months since I started my "workout" plan and now I've added another step.

Not that regular exercise isn't working (I've almost dropped a size - yay shopping soon!), but I have wanted to do something a little more concrete to curb my appetite and fix up my eating habits.  It's far too easy to pull in to a drive thru instead of going home to cook.   So now I've picked up on a plan that my Mom has been using to lose weight and get healthier over the past year and a bit.  Honestly, this is the only reason I trust in it, because she's seen results.  If you can't trust your own mother, who can you trust right?

In comes the meal plan!

Well sort of.  It's really just an easy breakfast so I make sure I actually have breakfast.  Mornings aren't always the easiest thing for me, so having something I can throw together in literally 2 minutes and take with me is a god-send.  The SlimStyles mix with PGX isn't bad.  It's essentially a protein powder that makes you feel full for longer.  So far, I think it's working.  Plus I really like it.  The mix doesn't taste overly sweet so it blends well with just water or adding fresh/frozen fruit to it.

Plus my Mom also bought me a new blender for Christmas and it's wicked fast.
I used to have a magic bullet which lasted me about 2 years, but this new one is even quicker and it blends directly in to a sport bottle.  It's called an Oster MyBlend and if you make smoothies/shakes, I would definitely recommend it.  This thing crushes ice like nobody's business.  It's awesome.   My only issue is that I got a blue one, and the rest of my kitchen is a red/black theme.  My mom almost didn't buy it for me because of that (she knows how OCD I can be sometimes, but I swear I'm getting over it).  I know, I have issues...

The exercise is back on track this week after the holidays had me hitting a bit of a rough patch.  Running around like a crazy person doesn't always burn the same calories as actually running or going to a boxing class.  I'm glad to be back in to the swing of things, but my muscles were crazy sore last week when I went for a run after boxing last Monday, my abs and legs were straight up ANGRY at me.  I may not do that again for a while, one workout a day will do for now. 

Overall,  I feel like I'm on the right track and things are looking up for 2013!  I'll try to keep things updated a little more...

Thanks for reading!  Hit me up in the comments if you have any questions/thoughts! :)

Another boxing class tomorrow!

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