Monday 9 April 2012


Okay, confession time.  Forgive me father, for I love drama.  So maybe that's not a sin, but when it comes to devouring television, it can be quite the addiction.  First, I got hooked on Gossip Girl (which I still watch when it's on each week, religiously).  Now, the newest show that's caught me, is GCB.  It's witty, hilarious, and full of drama.   GCB stands for Good Christian B____s. (you can pick up that last word on your own).   The title itself is clever, and lends itself well to the show.  On top of all that, they play the show on Sundays.  Perfection.
There's a full cast of characters committed to doing whatever it takes to succeed, each in their own way.  Carlene (pictured in the poster above) is trying oh so hard to be the perfect Christian. She's got a son in high school, and her Husband Rip owns a number of establishments (including the aptly named "Boobylicious" which is like hooters, with red, high waisted shorts)

Heather is looking for love while remaining a real estate mogul. She's also the only one of the main antagonists who seems to want to be a good person.

Cricket and her (gay) husband Blake are committed to each other as best friends and stay together for their family, while also running an extremely successful business that seems to run a good chunk of Texas and some other states. 

Sharon is a strange one.  The one time beauty queen is a bit bigger than in high school (but by no standards obese), and she has a lot of self esteem issues she carries out in different ways.  She likes to work for the pastor (while clearly crushing on him), and lose weight using strictly the bible (Which I suppose is no worse than any other fad diet).   She's also married with 2 kids.

And what would the show be without Amanda.

Leslie Bibb brings this character to life in a way that's endearing, with just enough attitude to make it believable.   The premise of the entire show is that Amanda has to move back to Dallas from LA to live with her mother after finding out her husband was not only cheating on her with her best friend, but embezzling money from many, many people.   See?  Drama.   The reason her moving back to town is such a big deal, is because in high school, she was the Queen Bee, and she was Nasty (with a capital N).   After going through so much with her husband and living away from Dallas, she's nicer now and worries more about her two kids in high school, but the girls she taunted haven't forgotten. Thus, hijinks ensue. 

It's a fun show that pokes fun at religion, people's relationships, and really shows how good and bad bribery, backstabbing and scheming can be.   It even inspired a line of those funny online e-cards that litter facebook and twitter (I mean litter in the best way possible here, most of them are good for a literal LOL).
There's also some high fashion, and Kirstin Chenoweth (Carlene) singing.  Cheno singing is never a bad thing, that woman can BELT like nobody's business.

In short, if you're looking for a show that's fast paced, fun and dramatic.  GCB is it.  What other show on television could get away with a conversion joke like "I saw a table full of turbans and just went for it!"  There's nothing sinister about it. Just good, clean, "Christian" fun. 

If you've ever watched anything with Kristin Chenoweth in it and loved it, all her skills are put to use here.  It's awesome.

Side note - Is putting the B word in titles of TV a cool thing to do now?  "Don't Trust The B in Apartment 23" premieres this week.  It looks promising from the previews and reviews, but why so many Bs?  Can't girls just be sassy anymore?

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