Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Game of Thrones is back!

If this show is still sitting on your TV unwatched, you might want to hold off reading this blog... 

Okay, so I know I'm a day behind.  This is the PVR/Internet age, meaning I will watch when I want to and there's nothing anyone except my internet provider can do about it(don't screw with me here MTS).  Anyway, Game of Thrones season two is on!  Yay!  I have been reading these books for a while now and am more than half way in to the second one, which is basically what the second season is to be about.  I need to read faster...  or more often.  To start off this episode, King Joffrey is holding a grand tournament.  The thing you need to know about Joffrey is, he's like Draco Malfoy with droopy bird face and a bad attitude... I don't like him (clearly). 
(see the douchyness? That girl used to love him until he had her father killed.  The basis of any long lasting hostage situation/romantic relationship)

After Joff nearly drowns a drunk in wine and is interrupted by Tyrion, we get to follow him.  Great changeover, because Tyrion, though a Lannister, is almost impossible to hate.  He's quick witted, funny and has slapped joffrey many times (bonus points in the game of life in game of thrones).  When Tyrion drops the bomb that he's going to be taking over as hand of the king while his father's at war, his sister Cersei (a real broad, and not in a good way) is angered, but demure.   That Tyrion, always with a surprise to throw people off!  Cut to Bran being all lordly and junk.  For a kid with no experience, he's certainly ballsy when it comes to talking to people at court.  He IS a Stark though, so I suppose it's expected.   I'd also like to throw it out there that the casting in this show is amazing, Hodor looks just as I imagined, as do most of the characters.  HBO is on their game when it comes to quality.   That being said, the "comet" was not as spectacular as I'd hoped.  In the book, it is described as something that takes up the sky and cuts through it in a vibrant and violent red.  In the show, it was like a little tiny comet in the distance with a sad, red tail.   

Once we cut to Daenarys' and the Dothraki, this happened...

How am I supposed to focus on what his Khaleesi is telling him when I'm staring at that hair?  It's like a curly mullet/rat tail/pony tail thing.   I guess when you're a dothraki rider, you do what you want, even if it's visually assaulting.  

Before that there was a cool shot of D with her Dragons.  They're so small they just hang out on her shoulders.  I need to get me some CGI dragons to up my cool factor. 

Jon Snow is snippy at some incestuous lord guy from beyond the wall who marries his daughters continuously.  (Yes, you read that right, and yes, it's effing gross).  The amount of incest in this series actually makes me wonder about George R.R. Martin a bit,  but hey, he writes some entertaining fiction, I just won't delve in to where the inspiration comes from.  

Stannis Baratheon is next.  He's not a drunk like his brother Robert was, but is also a warrior.   We see him pull a sword from a flame to become King.  Though at this point, it really does seem like everyone with a bloodline wants a crown.  In the middle of the night meeting Stannis' people hold after the ceremony, they insult everyone else trying to rule, talk religion and drink.  Happy times! Oh, except when the old guy gets poisoned and falls over all bloody. It happens.

Rob Stark is about to talk to Kingslayer (Jamie Lannister), this oughta be good.   So Jamie tries to call him a "boy" and though Rob is all cool looking, he's basically saying back "Oh no you di-in't!" then goes on to tell him  how he knows Joffrey is his son and he sleeps with his sister and it's Jamie who pushed Bran out the window when he saw them together to cause his crippling.  Plus, Rob brought his direwolf for extra muscle.   Nothing scares a guy tied up, quite like a giant wolf in his face.  

Awwww the imp is so sweet to his whore!  This is a legitimate statement of fact - no sarcasm implied.

"Knowledge is power" okay Baelish, whatever you say...  Nope! Wait! Cersei has something to say about that.  She'll threaten you with her guards, you could DIE.  "Power is Power" <--Well played Cersei, well played.  

Catelyn Stark reminds me of young Professor McGonagall.  There I said it. 

(Swords and wands are practically the same thing)

Rob and his mom have a bit of a fight over getting Arya and Sansa back, and Rob needs a favour.   He only trusts his Mommy to do his negotiation with the other Baratheon, Renly. Awwww. Stark Pride! 

Oh look Joffrey's being a douche again!  This time to his mother!  Such a respectful boy.  If anything is truly to be learned from this show, it's don't give a crown to a 14 year old blonde.  Daaayyyuumm Cersei just slapped him!  I almost liked her for a second. 

Next we get to see a demonstration at the whore house.  The "fancy" whore house (there is such thing in this universe, just go with it).  Here come some armoured men searching for a bastard baby.  That man killed a baby with a dagger!  I'm so rattled right now.   They're searching for all the kings bastards, and one of them is with Arya's party of misfits.  This can NOT be good.


Maybe I'm being a little over dramatic.  But in this instant world of ours, why do I still have to wait a week for a new episode of the TV shows I like.  This is a definite first world problem (as they'd say in a hashtag in the twitterverse).  

Don't forget to comment me with your thoughts on the show!!  

Winter is coming, war is happening, this is going to get intense!

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