Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Fitness With The Addition of Boxing

I started running about a month ago now.  (I have the proper dates on a Vancouver Canucks white board on my fridge, but it's far away).  I've made a plan and a commitment to myself to stay active, and I'm putting it all down on paper (read: the internet) - photo included.

Here is my official "Before" Photo:
Before Eugene from Sweatshop Boxing took this photo he was holding my camera upside down and asked me if I had a "left handed camera"
I had planned to take this picture, I took my camera to the session and everything - I just forgot about that until after class, usually my face isn't quite so red/sticky with sweat. (usually....)  Hey! At least I smiled! It's better than the stupid faces I have made in many a facebook photo. 

The thought process behind the before picture is for me not to get discouraged when I don't notice my results.   Most people don't notice their results right away, and I don't own a full length mirror right now.  So I will be looking back and comparing it to a new photo every 3 months.  For all I know, I may have already lost a little bit.  I definitely sweat a lot, if that counts for anything, I'm not sure.

My plan from here on out is to go out to fitness boxing twice a week and run 2-4 times a week.  Sometimes I get caught up in work and what not, but I need to do this for me and my health so I'm going to!  It also helps that Sweatshop Boxing is right across the street from the radio station I work for - CJ1240.

Fitness Boxing is a whole new animal compared to Jogging.  Oh. My. Damn.   It is a non-stop hour of pumped up motion.  You are hitting the bag then doing burpees (my own worst enemy), sit ups, pushups, sit ups, punching with weights, medicine ball exercises, stairs, skipping and many other pulse pounding activities.  Let's just say I've found my muscles, they do exist, and once they stop hurting, we may be able to see them (one day....).   But seriously, after one of these workouts, you will feel the burn people talk about, and you will like it (I swear it's true!).    Also, all those exercises I mentioned?  They're always done in different orders and at different times and in different ways, so it's always unexpected and fun.

This is what works for me and keeps me motivated right now.  It's also something I didn't really know existed until Jenn (from Sweatshop Boxing) told me about it.  I'm glad she did.  Random thought - I also think I might try Zumba next, I feel like it'd be an entirely new challenge to my lack of rhythm... oh, and fitness too I suppose.

So there, it's chronicled.  I will update this very blog 3 months today with a side by side picture comparison to see what progress I've made.

Thanks again to everyone who reads! 

See? Covered hands! I'm imagining they're wrapped.
One last note:

Every time I put on hand wraps,  I feel like a bad ass warrior/video game character.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Not Fergalicious - Still Workin' On My Fitness

Today marks the start of Week #3 of my fitness plan.

When writing this, I got sweat all down the pen and on the paper. (Update: I have since showered and now smell very fruity).  I had to write my thoughts down first so the shower wouldn't wash away my tired, achy, sarcastic thoughts.

I've managed to run 3 days a week over the last two weeks.  It may not seem like much to the fitness fanatic, but to me, it was a LOT of sweat, sweat, and tears.  (I would have put blood there, but I've yet to fall and scrape up my knees, knock on wood.  The tears part does belong though, trust me).
I may classify myself as a "runner" one day.  One day when I stop making pained facial expressions while moving at a snail's pace. Maybe...

One of the things I now profusely thank God (Read: Steve Jobs) for, is the iPod.  Music. Helps. A LOT.

One of the ways I motivate myself, is to talk to myself in my head while I run.  I literally try to think of jokes and anecdotes to entertain myself.  I know, I sound crazy, but I swear to God (not Steve Jobs this time, but like the saying) that it DOES work.   I mentioned music before because it ties in to this.

For Example:
"Untouched" by The Veronicas is freakin' great to run to.  Why? Because I know that anyone who has seen me while I'm running will never want to touch me.  (see what I did there?)

Does that seem harsh and judgmental? YES.  But It also makes me laugh at myself, which to my feet, is like picking up a golden mushroom in Mario Kart. 

That song also has a sick beat. Consider me PUMPED UP.

I pray that one day,
I can look as good as this guy when running 

The other reason I am a huge fan of Steve "God" Jobs (may he rest in peace) and Michael Jordan, is the Nike + fitness app.  It allows me to make fun of myself and my surroundings without worrying about my time or distance.  It's cool because I can go back on my iPod and see how I've been doing and set goals for myself.   Today, I ran about 10 minutes longer than each of my previous sessions and the strangely human-sounding robot voices in my iPod gave me those results, and even told me "Great Job!"  I will add to this that female voice in this app is too perky to be talking to me post-run.  Coming from me, a self professed perky white girl, that's saying quite a bit.

One thing that's jumped out at me thanks to that last ramble, is that though some tech is keeping people sedentary (whine internet, whine!), this particular app is helping me GET ACTIVE.  Very sneaky and genius Apple.

While I'm on the fitness topic (again, I know):  I'd like to thank everyone who has sent me support and well wishes in comments, facebook posts, tweets and all over the freakin' internet since I started my fitness plan.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  (This part is not sarcastic, I swear)

One last thought:  Is it bad if both your feet are numb and you continue running?   Not that I did that for the last 5-7 minutes of my run today or anything...

Sunday, 3 June 2012

And Now for something completely different...

I usually post on here about things to do with pop culture, but today it's personal.   In the last few weeks, I've been trying to change some of my habits to be healthier.   It's a process.  I've slowly weaned my self off snacky junk food (I'm lookin' at you potato chips!) and have started exercising.   Before this, I really wasn't exercising, which is terrible for me, I know, but I used being busy as an excuse.   Near the end of April, I took stock of my life, which sounds weird, but I basically tried to look at everything I was doing and deciding what was good for me and what wasn't.  I made a mental list and my journey began. 

Through the month of May I made sure that I was walking at least a few times a week so I was getting off the couch, and I started to eat more fruits, vegetables and proteins.  Smoothies made with ridiculous amounts of fresh/frozen fruit are my new favourite thing.  It's so easy to throw everything in a blender and hit a button, plus any meal that takes less than 5 minutes to make is a-ok with me.   

George Takei (yes, from Star Trek and he's hilarious) posted this online today:

It's quite serendipitous that he posted this photo, the same week I started running.  Thanks Sulu.

Running is hard.  I've said I'm out of shape, but you never realize quite how out of shape you are until your first run.   On Tuesday, my lungs were burning, my legs were jelly, I couldn't breathe and I was grinning like an idiot.   Though running hurts and my calf muscles were sore the whole next day, it's incredibly cathartic.    The hard work hurts, but if you stick to it you will get results.  I know this, because I was an active kid, and also a skinny, healthy kid.  Long story short, I joined the professional ranks and with school on top of that - health and fitness fell by the wayside.    I've been out of school for about 2 years now and working only 1 job right now (trust me, this is weird for me).  So it's time to shape up and stop making excuses.

You can follow my progress in a series of one-liners on twitter.

Yesterday I went for run #2.  It was almost twice the length and time of run #1 (I have a nike app on my iPod that tells me these things).  This is a great improvement in my books, not only did I work harder, but I didn't feel as pained after.  Also, stretching is important.

My main goal in all of this is two tiered.  I want to be healthier,  I will feel better and look better as a result I know it.  This is not something that is about "weight loss" for me.  I don't even own a scale (they can be quite depressing).   As a part of the "health" goal, I also want to fit in to what are known as "normal" sized clothes.  Currently I'm "plus sized" and nothing really fits me the way I want it to.  This is a problem when you're a shopaholic who loves clothes and shoes (I still have no problems buying shoes, my bank account hates shoes). 

This blog post is my online promise to myself and the world to my goal.  I want to look and feel healthier, and get back below a size 16.